Saturday, August 17, 2013

Geometry and whatever that comes with it....

16 August 2013

Today we had to go to a nearby art museum to look for art work. No, we are not learning about the elements of drawing, paintings etc. But we are looking for art pieces that can be used to inspire us to create lessons that incorporate all the different subject areas especially Math.

In class, we did geometry. One of the few topics in secondary school that I find interesting and paid attention to in class.

We learnt to find angles in parallelograms and triangles using various methods like, algebra, using protractor (if the diagram are drawn to scale), elimination and substation using the rules in geometry and of course, our common sense. Ok, what I meant was visualization.

Then, we wrote our 5th journal entry in class. We had to write two story problems to show the difference between 1/2 divided by 4 and 1/2 divided by 1/4.

All went well. Am looking forward to attend tomorrow’s class by Ms. Peggy.

I wonder… what are we going to touch on…

With that...

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